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With many in our Industry of Live Entertainment in dire financial straits, it is with deep humility that we come to you asking for help in keeping our circus alive. Vau de Vire is facing catastrophic times — we’ve had to cancel multiple shows, losing 7+ months of income and counting as a result. Our direct support of 200+ local artists/cast/crew/staff is in jeopardy without your help in bridging these times, until we can once again play with you in the flesh.

We’ve been hesitating to publicly ask our community for help until we had something spectacular to offer in return. So here it is: an epic multi-room, interactive, virtual event involving our favorite collaborators from across the globe and hosted by Vau de Vire.

Saturday, May 2, 2020 – 7pm – Late (PST), Ages 18+
15+ thematic rooms showcasing 40+ performers/artists including Circus phenoms, subversive Sideshow, Live Musical acts, side-splitting Comedy, hosted Gameshows, live-painting Galleries, bootylicious Burlesque, DJ Dance Parties and the most talented vixens and studs on Earth.

The Vau de Vire Society
Opel Productions
Tourettes Without Regrets
Jazz Mafia
The Soiled Dove
Angelo Moore & The Dr Maddvibes
The Displayed Labors Sideshow
Flux Vertical Theatre
Dustfish (DnB Room)
Circus Metropolus
Bohemian Carnival (https://bit.ly/boho_video)
+ many more announced soon!

Coast to Coast Fou-lery! Live from Austin, New York, Portland and San Francisco, Fou Fou Ha!

Your ticket purchase directly supports the cause.
Direct Ticketing Links:
$20 Individual: https://bit.ly/mayday-individual-ticket
$50 Household: https://bit.ly/mayday-household-ticket

NEW! If you are interested in a Delivered Dinner & Drink Package please email ty@vdventertainment.com.
(Please note: Dinner & Drink Packages will be available only in San Francisco and Oakland)

Can’t make the party? Able to donate more than the ticket price to help Save the Circus? Yes, we are taking donations, and boy would we really appreciate the support.
Links to donate:
GoFundMe: https://bit.ly/mayday-gofundme
PayPal: paypal.me/VaudeVire
Venmo: @VaudeVire

If you are financially strapped we have limited low-income tickets available; email us at community@vaudeviresociety.com.

What began as a group of novice but starry-eyed artists creating themed parties for their close friends has now, 20 years later, evolved into a renowned performance group and production company responsible for the SF Bay Area’s most notable and unique art-driven nightlife events (The Soiled Dove, The Edwardian Ball, New Bohemia NYE, Lagunitas Beer Circus, Hell in the Armory, and many more) … as well as representing its community in nearly every high-profile music and art festival spanning the US (Symbiosis/Global Eclipse, Outside Lands, Bumbershoot, Download, EDC, Lightning in a Bottle, Burning Man, Paradiso, Electric Forest, Envision, Super Bowl XLIII, Lincoln Center NYC + many more).

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